2018 | diNuovo | VideoArt Installazione

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title:  diNuovo | reNewed

technique: ArtVideo and multidisciplinary installation

produced & directed by: Amina Barosi

length: 2:40 minutes

Year: 2018

It is based on the principle of re-birth. The possibility that Life offers to re-new itself once and for all during its existence. Leave the old fabric for new time.

John 3: 6

“they will all grow old like a garment”

“How can a man be born when he is already old?”

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”

Si basa sul principio della rinascita. La possibilità che la Vita offre di rinnovarsi una volta per tutte durante la sua esistenza. Lascia il vecchio tessuto per un nuovo tempo.

Informazioni su aminarte.it

Contemporary Visual Art made in Italy
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